Development News Roundup 📰 13 . 03 . 2024

Development News Roundup 📰  13 . 03 . 2024 

Dear Readers,

It has certainly been a while since this blog received any significant development updates. Usually, this could easily be translated into 'no actual development work' taking place at all. This is certainly not the case. There are a lot of exciting things happening at Emperortech Limited, and this blog post will round up a few of them. 


Official Website:

  • QR.EASY and QR.EASY Pro are due to receive updates by June 2024.
  • The update will focus on performance improvements and bug fixes across all platforms.
  • QR.EASY and QR.EASY Pro will be available on the following app stores: Samsung Galaxy App Store, Google Play Store, iOS App store, and Amazon App store. Amazon App Store users will be seeing the application for the first time. 
  • will continue to receive the free version of the app only. 
  • QR.EASY Sigma is still in development, and more news regarding this app should be published shortly. 

Mega Mixable Live (M2L)

Official Website:
  • M2L and M2L Deluxe are due to receive updates by June 2024.
  • The updates will focus on performance improvements, bug fixes, and the addition of new content for all versions across all platforms.
  • Store presence: As of late, M2L and M2L Deluxe have had patchy store presences, and are even unavailable on some stores that they were previously published. As from June 2024, M2L and M2L Deluxe will maintain a steady presence on the following app stores: Samsung Galaxy App Store, Google Play Store, iOS App store, and Amazon App store.
  • Both M2L and M2L Deluxe will continue to be a mirror of one another in terms of content and features.

Mega Mixable Live Baltica (M2LBA)

Official Website:

M2LBA is a brand new title under the M2L umbrella which is a fork of M2L 1.7. The aim behind M2LBA is to bring to the market, a themed version of M2L that does things in a different way while maintaining the M2L DNA.

For more information on M2LBA, please visit:

Next Generation Applications

A while ago, Emperortech Limited announced that it was adopting the Flutter framework for all future multi-platform application development endeavours. 
But ever since then, you have not seen or heard anything right ? This understand that the reason behind this is due to the current generation of applications still needing some 'tune ups' and work to do before the current SDK's are retired. 

Emperortech Limited cannot wait to show you what is cooking for the next generation. 

In the meantime, stay tuned for the latest development updates by bookmarking and subscribing to this blog.

Thanks for reading. 

Emperortech Limited


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