The Nightmare: Reborn 💀 ✝️ 👻


Yes it is true. Your eyes do not deceive you at all. After 7 years of silence (no pun intended 😏), Silent Nights: Nightmare Into Darkness (SN:NID) will be making a triumphant return to the market in 2022.

As the developer behind this project, it would be an understatement to say that I was excited. I'm OVERJOYED to say the least, and I would like to state that it is an honour to even have the opportunity to bring this project back to life seeing as it's an intellectually property that I've always called 'My Baby'. I've always had a very deep creative and emotional connection to Silent Nights. So there is a history behind the excitement.

Without further ado, below is a Q & A that will shed some light on the revival of the Silent Nights: Nightmare Into Darkness project.

What is Silent Nights: Nightmare Into Darkness (SN:NID) ?

SN:NID is a psychological thriller/paranormal horror EVN (English Visual Novel) that was first published in 2015 to Windows, macOS, and Linux desktop systems via the digital storefront. It was also the first season of the project consisting of several chapters. SN:NID was developed using RenPy visual novel engine (Python).

The following year (2016) Silent Nights: Manifestations (SN:M) was published to Windows, macOS, and Linux via the digital storefront.

It was a 'special edition' version of the project, and a compilation of Seasons 1 and 2, with extra chapters and bonus content. 

Were there any other seasons after season 2 ? If not why ?

Season 2 was the last season to be released in 'SN:M' due to funding and financial difficulties at the time which made it difficult to continue with the project.

The issues with funding also made it almost impossible to bring the project to mobile platforms which at the time was one of the development goals.

For these reasons, I had no other option other than to shelve the project for the time being until the opportunity arose to rekindle that flame. 

What platforms will the revival of Silent Nights: Nightmare Into Darkness be published to ?

The 2022 revival of the SN:NID project will be developed for:

📲 iOS 
📲 Android OS
📲 Fire OS

It will be released published to:

🛒 Samsung Galaxy App Store
🛒 iOS App Store
🛒 Amazon App Store
🛒 Google Play Store

Are there any plans to bring SN:NID 2022 to desktop platforms ?

Not at the moment. However I wouldn't completely rule it out if there is a demand for it.

As readers of the SN:NID EVN, what can we expect ?

You can expect SN:NID (2022) to follow a similar format as the original (2015). However you can also expect that there will be a lot of changes in the following departments.

- Pacing and story telling
- Content delivery (chapters will be delivered in batches)
- Imagery
- Ambient sounds
- Background Music
- Special Effects
- Script (Yes, the script is being rewritten from scratch)

And so much more. I've decided to approach the SN:NID revival as if it were a new project with the intent to really capture that immersive thriller and psychological horror experience.

When will the first set of chapters reach the market ?

The first set of chapters of SN:NID 2022 revival should reach the market late 2022. After that, more chapters will be released in batches as 'Seasons'.

Should we be excited about this revival ?

Absolutely. As previously mentioned, SN:NID is a VERY important project to me. Over the years, I've been very upset about the inability to continue with this story driven experience due to circumstances beyond my control. 

I've always felt that I could have done more with the project but never really had the opportunity.

In other words, it has always been at the back of my mind.

It's 2022, and I can confidently say that I feel that creative energy I felt many years ago. That same energy that was behind the birth of the Silent Nights: Nightmare Into Darkness Intellectual property.

Visual Novel readers should be excited because this will be a labor of love. It will also be unlike any other visual novel experience you've had thus far.

The decision to make this a mobile affair is because people take their smartphones and tablets with them everywhere they go.

What this translates to is end users being able to have the SN:NID experience wherever you want. 

Yes it is arguable that a desktop setting will provide the best possible environment for an immersive thriller/horror experience. However with the right presentation ? A mobile setup can just be as compelling. 

This is my goal. To recreate that immersive story driven experience on mobile devices.

And I cannot wait to show you what I have in store.


👏Thank you so much for reading this blog article about the project. Please don't forget to subscribe to this blog using the links at the top of the sidebar 👈

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